• info@pamca.org
  • +254 757355491

Conference Sponsors

Additional Sponsorship Streams

The Young Investigators’ strand

Invest in the future by creating five (5) or more travel fellowships for young scientists who otherwise would not be able to afford the travel costs. Your financial support will cover travel costs of emerging young investigators who otherwise would not have been able to attend. We will allow this sponsor sole use of a hashtag on social media and work collaboratively to maximize your visibility as a pioneer in this space.

The Women in Vector Control (WIVC) strand

Show your company to be champion of equality in a demonstrably unequal space – your financial support could cover the travel costs of 10 leading female scientist representatives from each of the active PAMCA chapter countries who otherwise would not have been able to attend. We will allow this sponsor sole use of a hashtag on social media and work collaboratively to maximize your visibility as a pioneer in this space.

The PAMCA Award Ceremony

Show your support to excellence in the field of vectors and vector-borne diseases by sponsoring award prizes for PAMCA’s excellence awards. The excellence awards include Lifetime achievement award (the most premium award); young investigators/students excellence award; women in vector control excellence award.